In a historic move on December 18, 2019, all 193 member states of the United Nations formally recognized that orphanages do not protect children; rather, they harm them. The measure further called for the progressive elimination of institutional care, globally.
Recognizing that most children who live in orphanages have living family, the United Nations urges that all children should be reunited with or supported to remain with their families.

Over 25 years ago, Kidsave International was established with the intention of rescuing the ‘forgotten ones’ from institutionalized, dehumanizing care by instituting a mission of helping older kids under state care find meaningful, lasting connections with adults and families and re-integrate into their communities.
Monarch Visionaries are those who cure the pain of the collective heart by realizing the inner power to actualize their spiritual purpose upon the Earth in service of the will of Divine Mother Universe. This month, we spotlight humanitarian and child welfare activist, Randi Thompson, CEO, President and co-founder of Kidsave International, as we discover how deeply our love and sense of duty can penetrate the depths of consciousness to illuminate a path of empowerment that awakens our dormant spiritual abilities to weather all storms in attunement with the guiding force of a higher power.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
Ancient creatures of the Earth’s shimmering blue oceans and seas, dolphins are a profoundly magical spiritual animal whose tribal consciousness is a powerful reminder of the innate, dormant potential laden within humanity that is to be restored as we evolve in our collective pursuit of Unity and Harmony. Representing the divine qualities of peace, freedom and unconditional love, the attributes of the dolphin’s spiritual essence inspire us to evolve with our natural systems as we heal the world with grace and truth.
Embodying the playful and harmonious joy that is to be found through a balanced coexistence with the natural elements, dolphins play a pivotal role in the delicate ecosystem of the seas, which denotes them as a “keynote” species, meaning that their presence or absence significantly effects the entire ecosystem. Dolphins inspire us to welcome the light of our children’s hearts, establishing a foundation where they receive the unconditional love, sense of safety, nourishment and inner peace that they deserve.

Dolphins live in complex social structures, known as pods, which typically include between 40 to 60 dolphins. This group dynamic endows dolphins a major advantage in hunting prey and hiding from predators. Within these pods, dolphins develop complex social relationships with each other, teaching each other new behaviors and passing them upon their lineages.
Scientifically acknowledged for their heightened empathy and superior intelligence, dolphins have greater cognitive abilities than great apes and rival human cognitive abilities in many aspects, in particular their bio-sonar abilities that include echolocation and electroreception.
While dolphin brains are similar in size to humans in relation to their body mass, their neocortex is thinner with much more area and is more folded, meaning that they have much more surface area for greater connections. The degree to which the cerebral cortex is folded is a measure of intelligence. The more folded the cortex, the more room within the brain to house additional neurons to perform processing of information.
Relative to humans, who have between 12,000 -18,000 million neurons in the neocortex, dolphins are estimated to have approximately 48,000 million neurons. This allows dolphins to process complex sensory stimulus and cognitive functions much faster and more robustly than humans.
Based off years of research to confirm that dolphins and whales have a human-like level of self-awareness, the motion was made at the 2010 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Vancouver, the world’s largest scientific conference, for a Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans, respecting the spiritual liberties of such majestic creatures.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” – Lord Jesus Christ
Around 300,000 whales, dolphins, and porpoises are brutally killed each year, some for food, such as the annual killing of thousands of dolphins and small whales in Taiji, Japan, or even to prove the manhood of those killing them, such as the massacre of Calderon dolphins at Faroe Island, in Denmark, which totaled 1,448 on September 12, 2021 – possibly the largest slaughter ever recorded.
As spotlighted in the 2009 groundbreaking documentary, “The Cove”, every year, in Taiji, hundreds of dolphins, of nine different species, are chased into the notorious Cove and kept behind a series of nets where they are violently separated from their family pods and slaughtered on-site for their flesh, or sent to captive dolphin entertainment venues for a lifetime of enslaved performances. Occasionally, some of the remaining traumatized, motherless calves will be herded out of the Cove and back into the sea.
While meat from a dolphin will bring only around $600 for the dolphin hunters, live trained dolphins can go for up to $150,000 or more on the world market. Tourism is the main source of profit for these dolphin hunts, subsidizing the meat market, with 107 dolphin entertainment venues across 17 countries having ties to Taiji’s dolphin hunts.
While a pod of wild dolphins can travel up to 100 kilometers a day in the open ocean, captive dolphins may spend up to 50 years living in misery as a captive dolphin’s tank is nearly 200,000 times smaller than a dolphin’s natural range. As dolphins are highly emotional and social creatures, being deprived of complex societal behaviors leads to a lifetime of stress, depression and PTSD. Dolphins have been witnessed to commit suicide both during captivity and hunting practices by holding their breath under water.
In 2010, the Helsinki Group issued the Declaration of Cretacean Rights to specifically grant dolphins and whales the right of life, liberty and wellbeing, and to inspire protection under international legislation from hunters, aquariums, and marine parks. Since the declaration, many countries have followed suit in some variation, including: India, South Korea, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, India, Luxembourg, Nicaragua, Norway, Slovenia, South Korea, and Russia.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.” – Psalm 127:3 (ESV)
Imagine growing up without the love and support of family to guide you through life. This is the stark reality for over 391,000 children in foster care in the U.S. and over 8 million children worldwide. Children who, through no fault of their own, awaken each day in a system that is built to fall short. Children who have had opportunities and the shot at a real future taken away from them by the actions of others.
In 1993, Terry Baugh traveled to Russia to adopt a child. She was not prepared for what she saw. The orphanage was a huge, cold institution with an insufficient number of caregivers for all the children. Children with shaved heads were sitting in playpens with no toys, and certainly no human emotional stimulation. The caregivers meant well, but there were so few of them for so many children. Terry could not get their faces out of her mind, and soon shared her experiences with business partner, Randi Thompson.
During her next business trip to Kazakhstan, Randi, who at the time had two adopted children aged 8 and 11, visited an orphanage that housed older children. “I saw these kids who had no hope. They had the oldest eyes you’d ever seen, and they were eyes just completely devoid of hope. The terms the former Soviet system used to classify them, instead of the strength of the child, were centered on their disabilities and developmental delays. The terms used were oligophrenic, debile, imbecile and idiot. The trajectory for these children was so bad, they would go from being warehoused to having absolutely nothing.”
Randi continues, “I just had to do something about this, knowing that this existed. In my world, people wanted children. As an adopted parent, I wanted my children so badly, and you jump through hoops to make that happen. And, yet, here is a world, where kids were just languishing with no one. How is this possible? Once you know that, how can you go back? Once, you know that this exists in the world, it is such an imbalance, you must act.”
Upon extensive research, Randi and Terry realized that the neglect caused by orphanage living creates brain damage, psychological problems and slows development. They found no organization was exclusively focused on permanent family care for these children who had been left and forgotten, who were no longer the desired little babies, and who truly needed champions to advocate for their future fulfillment.
Randi and Terry believed these children deserved a voice, families and community. They deserved the right to thrive. These children deserved a miracle. They would be their champion.
“I may not be able to change the trajectory of an election, but I can certainly change the trajectory of young lives.” – Randi Thompson

Kidsave International was founded on October 16, 1997, with a profound vision: “We wanted to end this harmful institutionalization. We did not want children to grow up without parents; the government makes a terrible parent, and it was truly our duty to help to save these kids who did not have anybody to advocate for them. Given our past social marketing background and training, we felt that we could bring them out of the shadows and into the light.
Really it was shining a light on these kids so that people knew that they existed, to give them an opportunity to be seen, to be heard, so that they could thrive. We made it easier for people who want to do something by bringing children back into the community where people can meet them and then allow for the organic connections to occur.”
Through its first Summer Miracles program, Kidsave gave 177 older children living in orphanages summer vacations in the U.S. with American families and 97 percent were adopted. It was a miracle for these children and for Terry and Randi it provided the basis for creating Kidsave’s Family Visit Model, a program that has now been successfully tested in Russia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Ukraine and the U.S. to help older children in orphanages and foster care find parents and committed mentors.
Kidsave has positively impacted the lives of nearly 600,000 children since 1999.
“In times of crisis, in moments of despair, it is the unified will of the sacred heart that dispels all darkness as the emergence of spirit purifies the air.” – अमृत
In 2016, Kidsave International began working in Ukraine at the request of the Ukrainian government to contribute to child welfare reform and assist in connecting children in orphanages and institutions with families. In 2018, Kidsave launched two programs in Ukraine: Family Visits (Weekend Miracles) and Corporate Mentoring (Pathway to Success).
Randi shares, “We are always looking to find our ‘dolphins,’ those you can swim with, work together with, and we’ve always found them somehow. As we go into a new city, a new region, a new country, or we go into a city, we look for and find those people that want to collaborate, want to work together, want to really create change for children. We seek those same dolphin characteristics in our team. We want collaborators and have no room for sharks. There are too many sharks around, and they do not get you anywhere.”
On the day the Russia-Ukraine War initiated, on February 24, 2022, Russian troops marched into Kherson on their way to capture Mykolaiv. These were two cities where kids and families in Kidsave’s pilot programs lived. At this point in time, Kidsave had placed 117 kids with families, and were inspired to deliver these families to safety.
Immediately, Kidsave pivoted its operations from training, mentoring, and family-finding to emergency evacuation and rescue. The brave team in Ukraine, which started with only three Kidsave team members, gradually grew to include over 300 selfless volunteers and a fleet of 60 vehicles. These heroes, known as “Angels of Hope” in Ukraine, risked their lives daily to evacuate women, children, and families out of active combat zones and into safety.
“We were able to make the decision to pivot, rapidly, and then the resources came for us to execute. Our goal has always been to get children to families, and, in this case, our goal was to get people to safety, just so there would be another day for them to be alive,” Randi recalls.
After delivering the 117 children and their families to safety in nearby cities and neighboring countries, Kidsave expanded its scope to 1,000 children and their families. Guided by their humanitarian initiative, Kidsave was in a position to get resources deeply into where they were needed as well as get people out of danger. Due to the team’s ability to develop a response very quickly, they were able to rescue a total of 32,000 people out of active war zones, and into neighboring countries that were willing to help.
KIDSAVE continues its humanitarian efforts in 20 different villages where people are unable to leave. Meanwhile, in Western Ukraine, Kidsave recently opened the Miracles Center, a place to provide orphaned children with respite and trauma therapies. The Center will also host adults looking to meet and connect with kids, in alignment with Kidsave’s core mission of helping move children out of institutions and into families.
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” – Lord Jesus Christ
A dolphin’s brain is heavily infused with fast acting neurons that allow it to be swift, nimble, and powerfully aware of its environment. Humans also have the potential to amplify the charge of our existence by transforming the darkness of our soul into the brilliance of hope that guides us, united, through the darkest moments of our lives as we resurrect our Inner Christ to serve valiantly as we are called to rise. By taking a stand to support all sentient life in realizing its highest fulfillment, we partake in the blessings of genetic activations that allow us to experience life more fully. The pain in our hearts is our calling to live life truly.
”For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” – Lord Jesus Christ
When we come together with a common vision, the unified fire of our hearts clears a path for the holy spirit to ignite our senses with the power to take affirmative action.
As we ground and connect with Mother Earth, and the telluric fields of the Natural Kingdoms, with open and empathetic hearts, we receive the blessings of the planetary lifeforce energies to vitalize our cells and ease the stress upon our minds – as scientifically demonstrated by the 2019 HeartMath Institute Heart-Lock study.
The cure we seek to society’s collective ills lies within our very vessels, only to be activated by the choices we make that develop the convictions that drive the meaning of our existence into fruition. We are a garden of hope, and it is through the radiance that we emit, as faithfully pour forth, that we awaken the meek to realize their potential for freedom – no soul is ever alone.
On Saturday, November 9, 2024, Kidsave will be holding its annual HIKE WITH YOUR HEART events in four cities to raise funds and awareness for older kids in foster care. These community events will gather individuals with a vision of service to the youth of the world.
The hikes will be held in the Bay Area, Houston, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. and more information can be found at
Additional ways to make a difference in the lives of older children who need families can be found at
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