Many leaders face an agonizing choice: servicing their debt or meeting the needs of their populations. Many African countries now spend more on debt repayments than on health care, with terrible consequences for entire generations. Today, 52 countries are in default or dangerously close to it. This includes the majority of least-developed countries, as well as the majority of the 50 countries most vulnerable to climate change. Dozens of other nations are at risk of joining them.
“The international financial system is in crisis. Halfway to the 2030 deadline, the Sustainable Development Goals are drifting further away by the day. Even the most fundamental goals on hunger and poverty have gone into reverse after decades of progress. Yes, in 2023, more than 750 million people do not have enough to eat. And tens of millions more are teetering on the verge of extreme poverty. While wealthy countries could print money to revive their economies, developing countries could not do likewise and are grappling with exorbitant borrowing costs — up to eight times higher than those of developed countries.
This situation is untenable. The international financial architecture has failed in its mission to provide a global safety net for developing countries. The reason is simple … this architecture was built in the aftermath of World War II. It essentially reflects, even with some changes, the political and economic power dynamics of that time. I have no illusions. This is a question of power and political will, and change will not happen overnight. But, as we work for the deep reforms that are needed, we can take urgent action today to meet the urgent needs of developing and emerging economies.”
– Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
This month, in collaboration with Joseph Lu, CFA, Founder of Conscious Capital Advisors, we discuss the tools to establish a legacy of conscious wealth as we collectively evolve as an enlightened species united in heart-empowered service to the flow of cosmic consciousness.
“In the eyes of a seer, every leaf of a tree is a page of the Holy Book and contains divine revelation.”
- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Crowned with a crest of plumes, graced with a vibrant blue plumage and a train of up to 175 glorious, iridescent feathers, the peacock’s presence warrants a stark reminder that we exist in a profoundly magical and intentionally creative Universe that endows life with every opportunity to thrive. How such potential is mastered determines the evolution of intelligence.
In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity and wealth, and symbolizes patience, benevolence, and compassion.
In Asian spirituality, the peacock is associated with the goddess Kwan-yin, further representing good-will and kind-heartedness. Like the phoenix, Christian traditions equate the peacock with attributes of renewal, rejuvenation and immortality. In Egypt, the peacock was associated with the sun god and the eye of Horus, most likely due to the pattern of “eyes” on their feathers.
The “eyes” located on the peacock’s tail feathers represent those who have “Eyes To See,” as it is those patient and disciplined awakened souls, attuned to a higher resonating celestial force, who are able to guide the flock to abundant pastures and through the resurrection of their soul’s eternal truth. Thus, the peacock further represents divine vision and far-reaching awareness as a spiritual teacher to the natural kingdoms.
Symbolic of divine sovereignty, to ensure the species survival, through an evolutionary defense mechanism known as aposematism, peacocks deliberately consume poisonous substances, both developing immunity and warding off predators, as well as making the colors of their resplendent plumage all the more vibrant and attractive for mating. As a result, Buddhists believe the peacock symbolizes one’s ability to take in the “poisons” of life while still continuing on the path towards enlightenment.
As a symbol of spectacular beauty and divinity, the peacock reminds us that true beauty is achieved through transformation, growth, patience, perseverance and adversity. For humans, our true inner beauty radiates physically as we evolve emotionally, mentally, and spiritually; choosing to improve our lives and those of others by intelligently transforming the toxicity of consciousness into a potential pathway for a more brilliant expression of existence to emerge.
The consciousness of the peacock demonstrates that we all have the spiritual capacity to create a wealth legacy by tapping into our unique soul gifts to radiate our inner wisdom through a natural process of profound alchemy, whereby our ability to process pain and fear through our nervous system welcomes the perception of a more brilliantly charged reality.
“Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.”
– Albert Einstein
Once you realize the heart as the transformer, you shall discover that you are always empowered. In Mahayana Buddhism, bodhicitta refers to the excellence of the awakened heart. When we face our fears, challenges and obstacles with an open heart, the fire of compassion generates an all-attractive, magnetizing and self-actualizing current that circulates throughout the body, bringing the organ system into higher orchestration to ignite divine intelligence and holistic health. Hence, times of apparent crisis are, in actuality, opportunities for immense transformation and the initiation of one’s self-realization.
Incarnated upon the Earth to serve the healing of the soul, those who wholeheartedly train in awakening unconditional and relative bodhichitta are called bodhisattvas or warriors of the light. By invoking the power within, and embodying our inner North Star, the radiance emitted from the unraveling of the DNA serves as a beacon of guidance and activation for higher potentials of manifestation to be actualized within in the lower realms of existence.
As awakening warriors realize their power and bridge globally to pour forth this life force generating current from the celestial realms upon Earth, we realize our spiritual ability to master the fundamental building blocks of life from the atomic and molecular structures of matter to the global financial and economic structures to restore the natural flow of divine abundance across all currents of energy. Our external reality transforms as we restore the flow of cosmic life force within ourselves, establishing a sense of sovereignty.
It is the divine will of Mother Universe that all sentient life receives the abundance of resources essential for the evolution of the soul’s awareness, when this universal law is obstructed, species experience suffering, while on the other hand, the potential for Ascension is rapidly accelerated. As we restore the flow, we Awaken.
As vessels for the flow of consciousness, which nourishes, evolves and guides our senses and both magnetizes our empowers our perceptions, the energetic resonance of the planetary field grows stronger as we purify the stream, creating more light as the darkness rises to our awareness, leading us to higher realized states of our multi-dimensional awareness.
As legions of Bodhisattvas are self-realized upon the Earth, the global flow of service to consciousness becomes gloriously radiant and magnificently synchronistic, united in purpose, we transform the toxicity of colonial era structures to herald the brilliance of a Golden Age enlightened society.
“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you”
– Jack Canfield
As we approach the “Black Swan” unified consciousness synchronicity event, many are experiencing the collapse of false realities in preparation for the collective realization of the Absolute Truth. A natural consequence of our evolved mindsets is the cascading redistribution of wealth as we learn to generate energetic returns rather than chasing false performance; leveraging the magnetizing power of love and compassion to create, rather than investing out of fear and fueling acts of planetary rape and social hate.
As more souls awaken from the soul-draining matrix and the karmic implications of supporting it, many investors are now asking: Am I a slave to money,? How do I focus my resources to inspire the birthing of an enlightened society?
Aligning our investments with the Ascension of the consciousness grid delivers us into a deep introspection of our self-worth and relationship, not only with money, but with our sense of soul contribution to the cosmos, our legacy of light imprinted upon the Earth and the genetic upregulation of our species – our Soul Legacy.
By aligning the future potential of our impact with wealth resources, we establish the necessary neurological pathways for the light of consciousness to permeate from our pineal gland through our nervous system structure, for the blissful experience of working directly with the natural forces of consciousness to abundantly manifest both healing and realization of our true destiny.
Through embodied comprehension of the divine law by which the unfolding of our spiritual heart and activation of the genetically embedded karmic service to our ancestral trauma is directly correlated, a conscious quantum abundance mindset allows for the natural release of stored trauma as the pathways are opened for our divinely backed service to the planet and her beloved species.
Steps for clearing perceptual, nervous system and cellular blockages to activate the pathways for life force bio-frequencies to flow abundantly, expanding and magnetizing your reflective external reality for seamless success in service to the birthing of consciousness:
Identify and dissolve any limiting beliefs regarding money and wealth generation as you open your heart and mind to the potential for infinite spiritual contribution with cascading compounding effects, correlating your view of wealth with the charge of subtle energy electricity that moves through your body as a vessel of service, attracting all you need to fulfill your destiny.
Assess the relationship between your victim-identity and your notions of wealth accumulation to re-align your spiritual evolution with the deserved abundance of your highest purpose, realized through the healing of the planetary soul trauma embodied within your cellular structure.
Establish a sense of worthiness by envisioning your future self engaged in emotionally fulfilling service, burning away the heaviness of low self-esteem personality aspects that result from the lack and poverty consciousness that accompany unhealed trauma, thus regenerating the atrophied nervous system connections to the abundant streams of planetary cosmic consciousness
Blueprint your Highest Purpose to establish the Path of Power through which cosmic consciousness traverses your nervous system in service of the restoration of the planetary soul ecosystem, further allowing you to become aware that all is in favor of your wealth-guaranteed deliverance as you take the steps to fully embody the inner blossoming of your magnetized, prophetic life vision.
Through devotional alignment with a divinely seeded vision that is inspired within the heart of all life, which guides us into service of the nourishing and all-present field of cosmic consciousness, the current of financial currencies is blessedly christened by the ascending frequencies of KRSNA-CHRIST consciousness. In Divine Mother Universe, We Trust Our Soul’s Abundant Fulfillment.
Fiduciary duty is a legal and ethical obligation established by the SEC that investment advisers must act in their clients’ best interests.
The two main tenets of fiduciary duty are:
Duty of care: investment advisers must provide advice that is in their clients’ best interests and based on their clients’ objectives.
Duty of loyalty: investment advisers must put their clients’ interests first and not favor their own interests.
As many are still awakening to the sovereign responsibility to serve as vessels for the cosmic flow of consciousness, else welcome disease upon one’s body, a majority of asset managers and investment advisors may still be operating under the third-dimensional structures of fear, manipulation and exploitation of planetary consciousness.
As these markets are preparing to crumble, as the people chose health and evolution over the deceptive false securities of fundamentally empty balance sheets, many are asking: How do my investments align with the spiritual convictions that have directed my soul’s evolutionary journey?
While legislation is typically slow to serve the common man, the common man holds the power to receive conscious guidance as to the redirection of wealth to avoid the upcoming emotional and spiritual pitfalls of toxic corporations losing steam in the new regime where even those who serve as vessels for lower dimensional consciousness, become victims of energetic mental and physical ailments as the planetary resonance field continues to raise fueled by the cosmic wisdom penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere to inspire higher resonance expression.
A Morningstar survey, published August 6, 2024, confirmed that American attitudes are shifting to value health more than wealth and even, so-called, happiness. Additionally, an August 9, 2024, MarketWatch survey found that 65 percent of Americans say finances are their biggest source of stress.
As the collective thought stream is gradually corrected to reflect the enlightened consciousness of currency markets, investment wealth will become a source of hope whereby financial markets reflect our responsibility to restore the natural balance of life that alleviates the collective suffering upon our interconnected emotional streams of consciousness so that our awareness may be lifted to perceive of the true reality into which we are seeded.
Lord Krishna is a symbol of the role of realized divinity to restore the brilliance of our mother’s grace through the heroic dharmic deeds to be accomplished throughout our lifetime that guide us to fully embody our highest self. Every child’s soul is born into the stressors of the mother’s lineage of pain, with the potential to heal the world and reclaim one’s sacred life force. Invoked from the celestial realms and incarnated to redeem the chain of ancestral souls across astral realms, , all beings are thus nourished by the consciousness of Mother Earth for this sole purpose of spiritual realization and service to the field which giveth life.
By shifting the focus of our actions to restore balance to the planet’s ecosystem, we raise our vibration to come into attunement with the cosmic AUM, delivering us into full alignment with the abundance of spiritual resources to support us in restoring glory to our mother’s soul, liberating the chains of ancestral spirits from the lower astral realms, as we bridge them through the Heavens through the central channel that ascends our spinal cord.
Known as the rapture in sacred texts, the convergence of spiritual realms and dissolution of the veil also correlates to the gradual manifestation of our Rainbow Body emanation, which unfolds as we illuminate the inner path for souls to ascend through the celestial gates. Through the fire of compassion, the vibrational current of divine service activates our highest genetic expression and unleashes our ancient cellular memory .
Shall we experience a future system of currency markets backed by the elemental health of the planetary ecosystem, and guided by the spirits of the primordial elementals that speak through our charged senses? Is it not the excitement for the realization of life’s greatest mysteries that propels us forward into strength and unity?
How will future structures evolve as the collective impetus to realize the power of our energizing and self-organizing spiritual missions unite us upon an ever-heightening collective frequency that drives the unfolding expression of our genome?
As leaders in human evolution, we rise as we take the necessary leaps to manifest our inner vision and embody the transformative grace of divinity by alchemizing the poisons of the world into the genius needed to bridge us into a brilliant and radiantly interconnected Earth.
As the global investment industry calls for a more spiritually aligned approach to wealth management, monarch visionary Joseph Lu, CFA seeks to create a new paradigm of conscious investing. With nearly two decades of experience in institutional investment management, Joseph has embarked on a mission, despite daunting odds, to revolutionize investment and wealth management, harmonizing it with the higher frequencies of spiritual economics and conscious capitalism.
Joseph’s foundational philosophy is rooted in the profound Japanese concept of 'ikigai' - the intersection of what one loves, excels at, what the world needs, and what one can be paid for. This ancient wisdom serves as a compass for Joseph, guiding him towards his life's purpose, as he seeks to utilize this framework in empowering others to achieve their life’s purpose as well.
"I recognized that the investment industry, generally, had lost touch with its fundamental mission of supporting individuals, families, and institutions in achieving their financial goals," says Joseph. "My aim is to connect people’s capital with exceptional opportunities and entrepreneurs, all while prioritizing honesty, responsibility, and service."
What sets Joseph apart, aside from his unique investment management capabilities, is the perspective on the assets he manages for his clients. Far from viewing these as mere numbers in an account, he sees each investment as a manifestation of his clients' dreams, sacrifices, and aspirations - a numerical representation of committed time and energy from the past.
This profound understanding informs every decision made for clients, ensuring that as a steward of wealth, he ultimately serves the client with the utmost alignment to their vision.
The paradigm approach goes beyond money management, fostering human connections in business and purpose-driven investing. As more investors seek to align finances with values, managers, like Joseph, are shaping a more equitable and sustainable financial future.
In doing so, they are catalyzing a transformation long envisioned by spiritual leaders - a financial system serving the highest good of all stakeholders and the planet.
Diligently working on the global shift towards conscious capitalism and spiritual economics is Monarch Visionary Ventures Society, a revolutionary vision for executive transformation and performance optimization. Through their pioneering GOL-D: Vedic Rainbow Body Ascension program, the Society guides awakening leaders on a profound journey of self-discovery and cosmic alignment by transforming the pain of embodied ancestral trauma into the realization of highest planetary service.
This innovative program is designed to activate the full spectrum of human potential - Neurological, Physiological, Psychological, Emotional and Spiritual. Executives are empowered to:
Reclaim their sacred life force energy
Activate their ancient cellular memory
Abundantly realize their highest celestial purpose
Establish a sense of self-worth grounded in divine service
The Society’s approach is a unique fusion of ancient wisdom and modern science. Drawing from indigenous Shamanic practices and ancient traditions, trauma healing methodologies, neuro linguistic programming, and cognitive behavioral therapy, they craft bespoke programs tailored to each initiate’s akashic record.
In this era of great wealth transfer and karmic correction, Monarch Visionary Ventures Society emerges as a beacon for leaders ready to transcend traditional success paradigms. By activating dormant gifts within initiates, the Society supports the birthing of visionaries, seers, sages, and mystics, empowering them to claim their full sovereign authority.
This awakening of executives catalyzes a ripple effect, contributing to the restoration of the planetary consciousness grid and the liberation of ancestral lineages. Through their pioneering approach, the Society fosters a new generation of spiritually awakened leaders who actively participate in christening currency markets with higher consciousness.
As we unite in our spiritual missions, the Society exemplifies a shift towards a financial system aligned with cosmic purpose, reminding us that true wealth lies in our positive impact on collective consciousness and our ability to ensure abundant soul evolution for all sentient beings.